April 25 2007 —Big Events at the Site! page 2

A strap goes around the main beam and it is hooked up to the crane.

As we all watch, the beam is raised high enough to clear the entire structure.
The framer catches it to guide it into place. The gray thing near the end is the welded metal bucket which will hold the end of the beam which supports the lifted section of the roof.
Gently does it . . .they guide the beam into place.
The framer snugs it into its slot.

. . .and we have a roof beam!

Our team: Sam Kingore, architectural project manager, Janver Holly, the general contractor and Todd Jersey, the architect of the house. I told them I wanted this picture at the beginning of the project when we were all still good friends. We’ll see if they still look this happy a year from now!
Meanwhile, our neighbor is buying our green poly water tank. He has come with a crew to take it away. That is his truck with a trailer that you see in front of the poly tank.
A dubious look, will it fit?
Down it comes and off it goes to a new life across the street.
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