April 27, 2007—page 3  

The beam is raised up over the whole roof. Two framers wait to guide the ends into place.

The leash is tossed up over the roof beam to one of the framers, who tows the beam into place.
Finally, it is close enough to grab.
Here it is, sliding into its permanent home. These beams are really nice looking and I hope we will be able to leave part of them exposed below the drywall.
Here is Kai Clark, the foreman for the whole project.

I clambered up to the second floor to take some photos. I had planned to have my office in the library of the house, but if I can get the climate controlled decently in here, I will move it into the front end of the second floor.

The rafters are all in on the north side of the barn. The two framers you see are setting up boards to be cut for the south side rafters in the shed section, which could not be completed until both glue-lam beams were in place.
Meanwhile, Tom and one of his crew begin to put up the posts for the guest cottage porch. These are 8 X 8’s and seem massive. There will be two of them with an 8 X 10 across the top, supporting the porch ceiling.
The post has had a hole drilled in its base which is filled with epoxy glue. Tom and his helper guide the post down over the screw sticking out from the concrete porch floor.
The last part of this task, will be squaring the post up to the structure. When I come back next week, all the posts and porch beam will be in place along with the roof trusses.
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