May 16, 2008—Finish coat on the drywall

This is a picture of the trench for the house electrical hook-up which we almost got trucks stuck in on Wednesday. There is a large electrical vault by those rocks. Conduit comes from the electrical shed—which you can see in the background—through this vault, and then fans out to various locations around the property.

The house electric will come out of that vault, but the barn will be connected to the house electric. This is especially nice, because the solar panels on the house roof will generate credits from PG & E and we will want to use them to offset our heaviest usage.


This is the little porch outside the foyer and the back of the chimney. You can get a better feeling for the rounded corners now that the stucco has been applied. I can’t wait for the scaffold to be removed so we can get a good look at this section of the house.

Here is a close-up of an ear and rounded corner.
The back of the house from the master bathroom bakes in the sun of a very hot day.
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