November 7, 2007—We are above it all . . .

It was a gorgeous day, rather warmer than I had expected. But just about the time the crew left, the fog was on its way back in.

Thomas had started working on the framing for the library and guest bedroom. Here is a good shot of it showing the roof slope (it is higher in the middle and slopes out to the sides.)

At some point after the roof is framed, they will frame the parapet above which hides the slope and any equipment on the roof—such as vents, fans and solar panels. We plan to have electrical outlets on the roof for holiday lights and hose bibs to hose off the solar panels when they get dusty.

This dramatic picture worked because I got the sun just perfectly blocked by the corner post. We are looking through the library toward the guest room.

General Debris’ new home will be on a concrete pad next to the library window. He will have a motion sensor which will cause him to move when anyone comes to the front gate.

From the courtyard, you can see that this framing is just begun. The large library window is framed in, but the guest room will also have one as well.

Here is one more shot of the clerestory windows in the kitchen/family room. The large window you see through the cross-braces will be over the prep sink in the kitchen.

I took this picture because between the piece of sill in the foreground and the pipes in the background will be the guest bathroom. It hardly looks bigger than a closet, but will actually be larger than the bath in the cottage, although, I am betting, not by much.

The crew has taken off the floor protection so they can frame more easily, which makes me very nervous. Hopefully they will have it back down by Friday.

The light this time of year is so golden. When the sun is out, everything glows. I really don’t like this time of year because, as Jim says, you can feel that giant vacuum sucking you toward the holidays and all their attendant extra work. I don’t quite know how I am going to get all my presents bought and wrapped this year—usually it is a full-time job.

However, this has been a very pretty fall, with a lot of color and grass greening up early because of the October rain. This light always reminds me of what a beautiful place we live in and how very lucky we are. Truly fall is the time to count one’s blessings, so Thanksgiving is coming at the right time after all.

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